Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Gospel of Legos

This morning I read in the publication from Agape Villages that Frank Inscore, one of the founding board members of Sierra Children’s Home (now Agape Villages) had passed away. Frank and his wife Charlotte were one time members at the Roseville Church of Christ. Frank knew my Dad and we often shared memories and an occasional lunch. I had not thought of Frank in many years but just seeing a picture of him reminded me the warm spot he silently held in my life. Frank was a “gentle” man and rich with the Spirit of Christ. Heaven is brighter by his presence. Frank got me thinking of how many good brothers and sisters have filled my life that silently lay in my memory but are ever present in my formation.
My kids and now my grandkids are big time fans of legos. I should have bought stock in their corporation because I believe through the years I have kept them financially solvent. Each child has discovered not only the power of their imagination and the development of fine motor skills but a confidence in building. That is, the seeming ruble pile of plastic blocks that sprawl across the floor are perceived not as disaster but as opportunity and foundational for making dreams come true. As each child has matured and gone on to other building adventures in their lives they have left their legos in tubs tucked away in a dark corner of a closet. However, I believe these forgotten friends have been instrumental in building their lives. I call them friends because I have seen their eyes light up when on occasion they have had a chance to dust them off and share them with their children, nephews and nieces. There is a warm spot they silently hold in their lives for these old friends.
Paul in testimony to the gospel tells the church at Rome, “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.” (Romans 1:16, 17).” What the NIV translates “by faith from first to last” is literally in the Greek, “out of faith, into faith.” That is, the gospel is a shared experience… one faith giving to another’s faith the building blocks of life and faith. Some of the pieces are remembered and some are not but all are part what has built our lives. And maybe most importantly… some of those forgotten ones are truly foundational to the structure and stability of our lives! Thanks Frank and so many others who have led me back again and again to the cross that anchors our lives. -DAN

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