Monday, November 29, 2010

Can I Get An Amen?

From time to time you hear from those who stand to proclaim good news before the gathered faithful, “Can I get an amen?” This solicitation of enthusiasm infused approval for the point being made is intended to evoke not only agreement but is also intended to be a call to action. That is, the amen (“let it be so!”) is faith’s witness to one another that we’re serious about what has been spoken. It affirms that God’s people are by nature those who let their yes, be yes and there no be no (2 Corinthians 1:17-22). We’re not just about bold rhetoric but are courageously committed to walk the talk. Now with all that said, the preacher often just simply reflects with “Can I get an amen?” that the pew is all too often silent! Stoic frozen faces that refuse to reflect the passion of the message are a dissonant cry that feigns apathy or at best that the lights are on but nobody is home. Maybe the absence of the amen in our assemblies is reflective of the information overload of the world that surrounds us? Is it possible that church has become the final frontier where we boldly go where no man has gone before in silent protest to a world of talking heads, blaring commercials, silly soaps and indifferent newscasters that overwhelm us with talk, talk, talk, talk? Is our silence more protest than decorous politeness? Well, can I get an amen?

If this might possibly be true that we have by silence voted for a word to be spoken that is not hyped, twisted or taken out of context… then we’ve thrown the baby out with the bathwater! If corporate worship is both vertical and horizontal in its nature (that is, we worship and adore God and in the joy of praise encourage one another) then how can it be anything other than vocal. The sermon doesn’t have to be a monologue. The preacher really does want to get an amen… not because he wants to feel that what he is saying is getting top approval ratings but because he is passionate about the message and wants to know others are too! Sharing the bread of life is a stirring experience and most of all a shared experience. The sermon is not rote liturgy but the witness of faith… faith in a Word from God that will delight, challenge, shape and affirm the soul who has discovered over and over that these words are words of life! The sermon is not about a spotlight on the entertainer but light from above that baths us all in its warmth and illumination of truth. Well, can I get an amen?

Can a sermon punctuated with a liberal dose of amen become so much talk, talk, talk, talk? Of course. But not if the amen comes from the heart, inspired by the Spirit and shared with passionate affirmation of one’s faithful witness. The amen is one’s signature on the declaration of the hour! It is citizens of heaven exercising their right to vote for the truth and rally for the cause. It’s the heavenly way to cheer for the team. It’s worship with a double shot of excitement to help us spiritually stay awake for the day. It’s one of Jesus favorite words! Well, CAN I get an amen? -DAN

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