Wednesday, October 14, 2009


In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue… so goes the mnemonic we learned in school. His three ship (the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria) fleet set sail from Spain to discover and claim the “New World” for Spain. Much has been argued as to Columbus’ motives and countless details of his life debated so that volumes of revisionist history books have been written. Yet, without exception on the second Monday of October our nation celebrates the one to which we attribute the discovery of the Americas. A Columbus Day sale raises the flag that once again Columbus sails into our memory and history. What is often missed is the convincing argument that swayed Queen Isabella of Spain to finance Columbus’ voyage. The answer is discovered in the cryptic way Columbus signed his name, Xpo Ferens (the cross bearer). This distinctive mark joined Greek and Latin to hail Christopher Columbus as an ambassador of Spain to bring Christianity to the New World (i.e. carry the cross and its message to the natives). Evangelizing the New World was the convincing argument that captured the Queen’s favor.

If truth be known, mixed in with this holy calling was probably the all too human elements of greed, exploitation via slavery and territorial domination. Religion has and will continue to be used to exploit others for financial gain and control but none-the-less the cross carried will ultimately win out. “Xpo Ferens” should be the signature that we all address our lives with. “May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world (Galatians 6:14).” As cross carrying ambassadors we reaffirm the enigma of the gospel… the good news is that death produced true life and weakness affirmed real strength. The cross shaped message is one that conquerors new and old worlds with a message of redemption through sacrifice and surrender. God has reconciled with His creation by giving His one and only Son to purchase mankind’s pardon with His blood. This act of love and grace happened on the unlikely mast of a Roman cross where innocent blood was shed. It at once underscores the depth of man’s sins and the unfathomable expanse of God’s love!

So, how do you sign your name? Are you a cross bearer? Has the message of the cross financed your life? I believe that most would affirm that they wear the name of Christ proudly and do their best to share the good news. I also believe that most would confess that all too often we have either put the cross down or reshaped it to make it more comfortable for our journey. We’re not proud of it… we just own our failure. However, let us all unite to sing, “God is Love!” And may we encourage one another to be cross bearers! -DAN

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