Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Best

What makes your “best” list? Is the list populated with incredible experiences ranging from gourmet meals to dazzling vacation destinations? Or is it more cerebral with outstanding literature or media? Are you enthralled more by Mozart and Van Gough or sunsets and panoramic views? Is the best for you more relational and what you immediately think of is your loved ones? Maybe you find the best as the product of skilled competition whether on the sports field or the Home and Garden Network. Whatever makes your best list not only tells something about you but reminds you that in the midst of a chaotic and fallen world there are reminders of the Garden of Eden. Innocent and nascent beauty survives and even from the garbage heap springs forth new life. In a world where we think we settle for the proverbial “whatever” it’s nice to experience the best here and there.

The best is always dependent upon its source. James writes in his letter, “Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring (James 3:11)?” His point is that bitterness and divisiveness are “of the devil” but wisdom from above produces a “harvest of righteousness.” That is, if we draw from the best we can expect the best. No wonder when Jesus turns water into wine to keep the party going the result is the best wine (I would assume ever made)! Your mom’s cooking was “the best” not because she was a gourmet cook but because she was mom! That memorable sunset was “the best” not because its magentas and vermilions were superior but because for a moment it was clear to your heart and your eyes how beautiful is God’s creation. Mankind longs for the best when their hearts are set toward Zion and paradise regained. What constitutes the best is that no greater fulfillment or joy can be imagined and therefore heaven is realized.

I want to suggest that heaven realized is truly the best and yet assuredly quite simple. Heaven is resting in God’s presence with a heart full of praise and wonder. It will not find its ultimate completion until God calls us home… however, we can have a taste of heaven… a taste of the best even now. Resting in God’s presence can happen in church, it can happen in a moment shared with nature or in private meditations. The possible places are only limited by our imaginations. The door to moments of “the best” are always awaiting our arrival. So, where will you find your next best? Best wishes to you in your journey. -DAN

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