Tuesday, June 2, 2009

We Didn't Say A Prayer

While in Monument Colorado this past weekend at my oldest sister’s house we were having a relaxed Saturday late-morning brunch. The night before we had celebrated my niece’s 40th birthday. Sitting on my sister’s deck drinking in the beauty of the mountainside view Pam and I were at a table with my sister, brother-in-law, one of their friends and our grandson, Payden. Payden looked up from his plate and surveyed the table then spoke up and said, “We didn’t say a prayer.” After a few hem and haws and a reference to saying a private prayer my sister suggested that Payden say the prayer. As you can guess he thanked God for mommy and daddy and list of things I’m sure must have included the food and then he sealed it with an “amen.” Then raising his bowed head he looked over to my sister’s friend and said, “Now, your turn.” I love not only what kids get away with but their unobstructed view of God!

As precious as that moment was for me and even though it warmed my heart that Bryan and Leah are doing such a fine job raising my grandson… I pray that his faith grows beyond saying “Grace.” That he cultivates a heart of prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:17) that lives the “amen” life where affirmation of God’s blessings is not limited to meals, church, and night time prayers. I hope his horizon is expanded to say, “We didn’t say a prayer…” when he shares a sunset, or visits an elderly friend, or starts a journey, or laughs with a friend. I would be bold enough to pray that he laments missing a prayer for his enemies or praying for present trouble. I pray he finds the most pedestrian, boring, common, unattractive things to give thanks for or to ask for God’s care and grace to wash over them and him. I pray that his prayers are as many as his steps and that the presence of God and the longing to hear His voice and His will are the driving force of Payden’s life! Yes, I pray that prayer fills his life so that when it is absent he says over and over again, “We didn’t say a prayer!”

To all of this I hope and pray that Payden will find himself drawn back to the prayers of Jesus. That a Savior who prays, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” –becomes a exemplar for his life not only so he may forgive as he has been forgiven but that Payden’s heart becomes as compassionate as it is strong. On top of all that I hope he becomes an NFL star and buys his Pappy and Mema a mansion to live in (just kidding, I think)! No, I’m sure that the only mansion I want is that place of much room where we all will share residence with the divine! Now, that’s the prayer I hope I never forget! -DAN

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not sure about the NFL star, but whatever it is... I'm pretty sure you can just come visit MY mansion! :)