Tuesday, June 30, 2009

That Got Blown To Bluey

Okay class… if my dog is 9 years old today how old is he in dog years? And the ever so intelligent student on the front row with his hand raised high says, “63… seven dog years for each human year!” And Professor Dan says, “Sorry, the answer is 50 in dog years.” Now, before you question my math let me tell you what blows the 7 to 1 ratio we’ve always heard of to Bluey! It’s simple, Bluey, an Australian cattle dog who lived to be twenty-nine years old, would have been 203 years old in human years by those calculations. The ever so bright Bluey raises his paw high and says, “I was old but not THAT old!” So then, Professor, how do we calculate dog years to get 50? The answer factors in the accelerated growth of puppies over babies in becoming adults… thus, the first year is equal to fifteen human years, the second year would be 10 and the third 7 and each following year would be 3 years for each human year.

Okay, I get the idea and even can see how 110 years old for old Bluey makes more sense… but how in the world are you going to make any spiritual application out of such Bluey? Much indeed Professor Dan responds. Often we are prone to formula, statistics and empirical measurement to determine how we view both physical and spiritual reality. Bluey reminds us that what we need to keep in perspective is the principle not the facts. Principle challenges us to see personal application not sit in judgment of history or galvanize formula driven religion. Let me see if I can illustrate by using a personal experience from my puppy years.

When I was a young teen in Modesto like most young men I was encouraged to participate in services by serving at the Lord’s Supper. One Sunday evening it all fell into my lap and I was sole officiate at the table. Unfortunately I started off by offering a prayer for and distributing the fruit of the vine. Afterwards a “Church Lady” chewed me out for a full ten minutes for messing up the order and then stormed off. My father later told me I should have asked her what the order was in Luke 22:14-20 (cup, bread, cup if you didn’t notice before). You see, the issue here is not formula but principle. It’s about celebration and proclamation of Jesus in remembering Him and His sacrifice and life. The Eucharist is a sacred call to recognize the body (1 Corinthians 11:29) not nick pick its youthful members! It’s about principle not formula… about mercy and grace not law… about God’s will instead of ours! And that’s what counts! -DAN

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