Tuesday, March 22, 2011


On my desk top at work is Byron Pickering’s business card. Byron is a master artist who has given his eyes and heart to painting the sea. On his card set apart from his general information is the statement, “Painting with understanding the ways of the sea.” Byron an insightful and gentle soul has given 30 years to the observation and interpretation of not only the beauty and power of the Great Pacific but to capturing the life energy of the ever changing but never ceasing current of waves that grace the Oregon Coast. His paintings truly reveal that Byron has an understanding of the ways of the sea! You can see his mastery of color and movement at his web site, www.pickeringstudio.com. For fun search Byron’s name on youtube and enjoy a quick glimpse at his master artistry set to music and excerpts of his instruction in teaching what he has come to understand about the sea.
Proverbs 3:13 reads, “Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding.” Wisdom and understanding are personified by Solomon as a fair maiden whose beauty and worth are to be sought. Even God in creating all we know… even the formation of sea used Understanding’s fair charms. Understanding then is not only the desired goal of the discerning soul but should always be recognized as divine precedent. That is, we live in a world formed by understanding and wisdom. I’m sure it is much more mysterious and exegetically deeper but John boldly states that Jesus is that logos/word/wisdom/understanding (John 1:1). Thus, the world as we know it (and certainly the sea that covers two thirds of it) are formed by wisdom and understanding. And Jesus is that wisdom. So, I maintain that Byron and many before him have sat reflectively in observation discerning the imprint of the divine and translating it into art. Art is the ultimate expression of our connection to God’s creative Spirit and Wisdom!
So, I say drink in the beauty of such paintings as created by Byron and hear the Word preached and the soul of creation captured in worship and praise to the Creator! Listen to the pictures painted in Sunday’s hymns’ lyrics. Bask in the warmth of the colorful images captured in God’s Word and expounded in sermon. And leave the portals of communion with the desire to proclaim His death until He comes again as you splash the color of your soul across your week. And come to understand the ways of the sea! -DAN

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