Wednesday, March 16, 2011

God And Natural Disasters

Headline after headline recently have chronicled earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and the like. The loss of life, devastation to property and the harrowing prospect of nuclear contamination have made some to wonder where God is in such tragic events. How can he allow such chaos and devastation to continue? Where is this God of love when so many are hurting? Truth is… in this world there’s not a moment that goes by that there isn’t some heart wrenching disaster, injustice or evil impaling the lives of individuals, communities and nations. We live in a fallen world where everyone has some misfortune or tragedy come their way. So then, why does God let such continue?
I’m not presumptuous or arrogant enough to tell you that I have an answer to why innocent babies are born with debilitating birth defects or young children’s lives are cut short with cancer or countless other diseases. Nor will I tell you that I know the mind of God and can quote you book, chapter and verse to explain why or how God lets this current of misfortunes continue. What I will tell you is that I have seen God intervene and rescue souls from grave misfortunes and I have also seen him rescue others with the aid of great misfortune. What I feel safe saying in witness to what I have experienced in life is that God is always there. Sometimes his role is deliverer and sometimes his role is comforter. Sometimes God is in the calm and sometimes God is in the storm. What’s most important is that God is there!
But if he is there then why is he all too often silent? Could it be that in his silence he has done his best work? I’m not trying to side step the issue here by pretending that innocent suffering doesn’t exist and that there aren’t legitimate questions. But what I am saying is that God who reveals himself as Father often assumes the parental role. As parents we all have experience how hard it is to let our children learn through their failures, bad judgments and naiveté. Jesus’ story of the prodigal son recorded in Luke 15 paints a picture of a God who allows bad judgment to lead to bad times. However, the father stands in wait scouring the horizon in hopes that tragedy leads to restoration and thus celebration. Rejoicing is over that which was loss can be found and that which was dead can come to life!
Our granddaughter Makaiya was born with Down syndrome. Do I wish she was born whole and healthy like our other grandchildren? You might be surprised at my answer… because it is no. Makaiya is a blessing to us and her parents. Her smile warms me more than any other I can think of. As many Down syndrome kids would like you to know they are not down they are up! Will Makaiya become the first lady president? No, but she will always be first to us and most importantly she is first to God. He watches over her… over us and over a world that he loves and patiently (often silent) waits to redeem and restore. That’s not an answer to innocent suffering it’s just a witness to the love of God I have seen, felt and hold on to in faith. -DAN

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful article.