Thursday, January 13, 2011

Skyping On The Floor

During this transition of our move from California to Oregon Pam and I have had to have some time apart while she takes care of loose ends in California. I love living in the information age and therefore able to take advantage of Skyping Pam. When I video call Pam, she is often accompanied by Lauryn our soon to be two year old granddaughter who is precocious and strong willed. Lauryn wants to talk to Poppies on the compooter. Lately she has been insistent that the computer be placed on the floor so she can lie down in front of it. I’m not sure if this about comfort or more about having things on her level? I do know that she is quite comfortable with the magic of Poppies being on the compooter to talk to her and though she stays quite mobile during the call she keeps one eye on the screen to see what I’m doing.
I sometimes wish that I could Skype God… you know so he could be on my level and I could keep one eye on him while I wander back and forth in this world. But then I come to my senses and realize that staying in a prayer frame of mind may not be as exciting or fit my comfort zone but ultimately it is a better connection. It’s a clear channel and the only static, discoloring, freeze frame interference comes from my side of the connection. God is always on the line static free and ready to hear what I have to say, feel, question, gripe, praise or repent. His silent but ominous presence keeps me alert to His will and weighing my own faltering ways with what I know He longs for me to discover. My imagination is a better screen for keeping an eye on Him while He keeps an eye on me. And to be honest I guess I still have some worries over that Old Testament thing about if you see God… you die!
As I write this I am filled with anticipation and can’t wait until it’s time to Skype with Pam and her demanding companion. Which, after all, is probably the most important principle that I should carry over into my prayer life? When was the last time any of us were so excited about slipping away somewhere so we could talk to God? Or when was the last time you thought, “I can’t wait to hear what we pray about at worship today!”? The key here is the joy of communicating with those we love. Sometimes I wish I could Skype God… maybe with special lenses that protect you! -DAN

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