Monday, August 16, 2010

Vitreous Humor

As you get older you liquefy… well, at least your vitreous humor does. Are you trying to say that as we age we loose our sense of humor? No, no, no, no… as our body ages the gel like substance in our eyes (vitreous humor) looses viscosity becoming more liquid like and often clumps of more solid vitreous humor float in the liquid and cast shadows on your retina. Thus, creating spots in our vision that are commonly called "floaters." Okay, I’m not an ophthalmologist (yes, I had to look up the spelling) nor am I an MD by any stretch of the imagination, but, I do have a wife who was concerned about her "floaters." So, I googled (and yes, I am a googologist). Now I can answer her questions and ease her mind. But I’m still not happy that I am liquefying!

I remember hearing my parents talk to their friends about all their aches and pains and "old people" disorders from arthritis to incontinence and making a solemn vow to never do that when I got their age. And now as if possessed by their spirit I moan and groan about the arthritis in my thumb and ask my friends if they’ll shuffle the cards for me. As my father use to say, "Never, say ‘never’!" Getting older is not for sissies. Who would have thought that from dust to dust would be such a dirty deal (Genesis 3:19)?

Now, I said all that to say this… "Aging should enhance our humor and temper our temperament." Spiritual maturity leads us to not consider ourselves better than others (Philippians 3:3) so that our humble perspective allows us to laugh at ourselves and trust in God’s providence and guidance. Yes, a world shrouded in death is full of pain, disappointments, deteriorating parts that fail, falter and fold-up on us but in the wake of a world doomed from dust to dust is the glorious light of grace. Grace that enriches the poor, comforts those that mourn, fills the hungry and thirsty and regales the meek (Matthew 5:1-12)! Grace that permeates our souls so that our speech is seasoned with graciousness (Colossians 4:6). Grace that reminds us that where sin increases grace increases all the more (Romans 5:20). And most importantly grace full of God’s mercy that in spite of our sinful prevailing hearts, a gracious God has seated us with Christ Jesus in the heavenly realms that secure our salvation (Ephesians 2:4-10). Now, if you see some of that sin floating around in your vision… just keep your eyes on Jesus who is the Pioneer and Perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:2)! -DAN

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