Monday, August 30, 2010

The Spirit of Truth

Okay, by now you know that I have a few pet peeves (to which I usually say, "I don’t know what a peeve is but they make lousy pets…" however, peeve is a reference to the Renaissance word "peevish" that means fretful or vexing). So, I have a few things in my theological bag that vex me. One is our top weighted view of Acts two thirty eight that results in many baptisms where forgiveness of sins is highlighted and no mention of receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit. Now, don’t get me wrong… I know there is no formal baptismal liturgy in Scripture but it seems to me that Peter’s impassioned plea to repent and be baptized so your sins may be forgiven is so he can underscore the promise of the Holy Spirit filled life is for those near and far. It was the Spirit that convicted that Pentecost audience of their sins and culpability in crucifying Jesus and it was the very same Spirit that would mark their lives with God’s seal of possession and promise (Ephesians 1:11-14). Forgiveness of sins is completed in the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:1-17). Jesus promised his disciples that he would not leave them orphans but that the Spirit of truth would be with them forever (John 14:16-21). Yes, take a deep breath… the Spirit of truth, of Christ, of God… the Holy Spirit lives within the believer. He is truly a counselor and comforter. He is at once mystical and practical for we will never be able wrap our minds around God living within us but we know we will never walk in truth without His lead.

Now, I said all that, not to give some definitive systematic treatise on the Holy Spirit but to delight in the moniker "Spirit of truth." Because, whether we see it as elucidating the Spirit’s role as "teacher of all things" (John 14:26) or the ethereal implication that there is a spirit of truth that the Spirit enables in the heart of the believer… well, both ideas are rich and delightful to feast upon. I don’t think I have an irrefutable perspective of Scripture and history but it seems to me that the Holy Spirit moves from miracle maker to heart shaper. That is, the Spirit through the ages has matured from authenticating God’s presence by signs, wonders and various miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit to taking up residence in the heart of the faithful who rely on His lead and intercession. That is, He inspires a spirit of truth that embraces the gift of being children of God and the challenge to live holy lives by a righteousness that is not our own. Such leading by the Holy Spirit identifies those He indwells as Sons of God (Romans 8:14). And most importantly, the Spirit’s presence opens my heart to God’s truths and His promises!

What does the spirit of truth impel you to do or say? -DAN

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