Monday, January 25, 2010

Two Brown Hair Beauties

My wife swiped her “Mema card” in my “what were you thinking” meter and with a bewildered and peering looked asked me, “Why didn’t you say anything about your two new granddaughters?!?” I didn’t have an answer and shrugged my shoulders. I had thought about running their pictures at the beginning of my PowerPoint but somehow didn’t get it done and then I had intended to include them in the announcements but forgot… woe, with me, who will deliver me out of this body of forgetfulness and failure? So, too little, too late but on the 19th our tribe increased with little Miss Trystyn Marie Crutcher who weighed in at 6 pounds 13 ounces and sporting 19 and a half inches crowned with long brown hair. Then, just a little more than 12 hours later on the 20th little Miss Finnley Pearl Johnston arrived weighing in at 6 pounds 6 ounces and matching her cousin with 19 and half inches and long brown hair. Yes, Mema and Pappy have two brand spanking new brown hair beauties and we can’t wait to have our chance to hold them!

These babies are not only beautiful because they are our granddaughters but they are babies that parents worked hard for. Both moms suffer with PCOS infertility problems. Forget the initials and medical mumbo jumbo… it’s a Sarah thing. Both Taina and Leah are persistent moms that had to pray a lot and pay a lot to bring these girls home! And now that they are here their Pappy shouldn’t have forgot to announce their arrival to one and all! They are gifts of grace and proclaim the wonder of our Maker! He is to be praised for their safe arrival and His presence in their lives until He brings us all home! In the midst of such terrible events like the earthquake in Haiti it’s a refreshing reminder that God is Creator when we hear about two brown hair beauties!

Now, if you thought this was just about a make-up test for a senile grandparent let me suggest this about our two new gals: “From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise… (Psalm 8:2).” New life reminds us all of the wonderful spiritual, “He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands!” Yes, He’s got you and me and the little bitty baby in His hands! Could there be a better place to be? Aren’t you glad that God watches over us all and receives His greatest praise from the coo of an infant… the cry of two brown hair beauties! -DAN

1 comment:

Mike Anderson said...

Congratulations, Dan! They are both precious...