Monday, July 20, 2009


While on vacation I vacated the busyness of routine and everyday expectations to finish reading a book on the “Manhunt” of President Lincoln’s assassin, John Wilkes Booth… I went hiking and walked our beach to commune with God… I ate all too well… I played phase ten dice with my lovely bride until we rounded off the corners of the dice… and I wrote a couple of poems because the ocean stirs me. Here’s one:


When I focus with my heart,
In each vista I see His design,
Before me is heaven’s art,
Each one God clearly signed.

The ocean sings its constant roar,
There God forever clearly seen,
In sunset bathing wave and shore,
His presence signed in ocean green.

Upon the mountain top towering high,
The Ancient of Days cathedral lies,
An eagle swoops to perch nearby,
God’s signature streaming in the skies.

From mountain top to ocean sunset,
His majestic sovereignty is cast,
Ruler, Maker, Sustainer, Perfect,
Signs His work future, present and past!

- Dan 2009

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful poem.