Wednesday, May 6, 2009


At the Pepperdine Lectures one gets to see friends, loved ones, brothers and sisters of faith that you haven’t seen for awhile. It is quite a treasured season of reunion and sharing. Not just reconnecting but spiritually bathed moments that buoy faith and heart. One special moment for me was standing holding my new granddaughters while friends took pictures. I’ll treasure that moment. It’s worth more than the treasures of royalty, nations and the fabulously wealthy. It’s heart gold. It’s heaven realized in the present. It is what puts us in touch with the eternity that God has set in our hearts. When Mary cradled the Christ child in her arms amazed at the witness of Shepherds divinely guided to share the good news of great joy for all people… she treasured it in her heart. When wrought with three days of worry but eased at finding Jesus at the temple grounds Mary’s heart once again treasured the divine reality of her child. Mothers are just like that. Proud Pappies are just like that. Life is full when it is treasured.

I’m not an advocate of putting people on a pedestal but you’ve heard me say before that my mother was a Saint! No, not saint, as in senior saints or even in the biblical sense of holy ones… my mother was godly, precious packed, beautiful beyond words in every sense Saint. And on this Mother’s Day I miss her greatly but God has blessed me not only with memories but a wife who is just as much of a Saint! Both are women who treasure the gifted moments of God’s greatest blessings evidenced in their families. Their children rise up and call them blessed. They need no accolades or flowery eulogies for their worth is greater than rubies! They not only treasure their families they are the treasure of their families.

What I love about this is that I know you can say the same. Oh, I know some have not had perfect moms but I’m confident that someone filled that gap. Moms really are one of God’s greatest treasures! So here is to our moms… may God bless you richly and may you know that you are treasured! -DAN

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