Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Thanks For The Memories

As a youth I remember being captivated by the Bob Hope specials where along with a group of celebrities he would travel to our troops and put on a variety show. It was more than the exuberant response of lonely troops enamored by pretty girls or biting remarks about commanding officers… it was for them a reminder of home and for a moment they were transported out of the chaos and peril of war. Bob Hope would close by singing his signature song, “Thanks for the Memories.” This coming Monday many graves will be decorated in honor of the memory of those who sacrificed greatly for our country. In many towns veterans will march down Main Streets Proudly wearing medals of Honor and being cheered by grateful citizens. Great sacrifice demands nothing less than great honor. Originally, Memorial Day was called Decoration Day because they decorated the graves of Civil War casualties. Today for all too many it’s just another federal holiday facilitating a long weekend. May God grant us all hearts of remembrance that not only honors those who sacrificed their lives for our safety and freedom but honor those who now stand in harms way for our country!

May we also as we gather around the Lord’s Table this Sunday recall to heart and mind the great sacrifice that secured our salvation and the life that modeled the faithful path to our God. Jesus truly paid it all… thanks for the memories that bring us each time we gather in His name back to the cross. For in its shadow we not only stand redeemed but are humbly bowed in grateful service ever indebted to His love. May that memory span from manger to Calvary. May we recall the awe struck disciples gazing into the empty sky that once was filled with the risen Savior as they heard the angelic proclamation, “Why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven (Acts 1:11).” Now, that’s a memory to be thankful for!

Something else that I remember about those Bob Hope days… those starlets and Miss America girls were Ooh-la-la pretty! But what made their beauty was not so much their skimpy costumes or even their beauty contestant looks –it was their willingness to travel so far under such difficult circumstances to say thank you to our troops! My memories are in black and white not just because many of the shows I watched were on a black and white TV but because it reflects simpler times when honor was in uniform and country. I’m thankful for the memories and I’m thankful that God reigns over all and through Jesus will lead us (the troops) home. -DAN

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