I heard recently that the Boys Scouts of America now have a merit badge for video games. Once again the cyber world tries to edge its way into reality. I mean seriously a “merit” badge for mindless thumb twitching, bomb exploding screen flashes of aggression vicariously ridden on skateboarded, tank driven, Mario-carting death machines? And the shy thick glassed scout with his shorts hiked a little too high clears his throat and says, “Excuse me Sir, but the badge is for choosing good games and involving your parents while keeping your playing time down to an agreed amount of time with parent approval.” And in the immortal words of Emily Latilla, “Never Mind.” (Now, for those of you who never saw Saturday Night Live’s original cast Gilda Radner’s character Emily Latilla she was a spinster type character that gave mock editorials about an issue that she always got wrong because of poor hearing so she would say, “What’s all this I hear about making Puerto Rico a steak?” To which she would be corrected that it was “state”). Thus, let me stand corrected…
I love the idea of a merit badge for video games! Teaching young people to properly use and control their recreation time is a valuable and meritorious effort by the Boy Scouts. I believe that one of the most neglected biblical principles is moderation. Paul tells the church at Philippi, “Let your moderation be known to all men (Philippians 4:5, KJV).” The NIV translates it gentleness. It’s a Greek word that literally means a heightened fairness. That is a sweet reasonableness about life that uses without abuse. If we treated most of the self-appointed taboos of life with moderation and restraint I dare say that many of the inevitable abuses would have been avoided. And if truth be told many a lie would have been avoided. Dancing does not lead to sexual activity; the bible doesn’t denounce drinking it abhors the drunk; and cultural mores about the length of this and that are exactly that… cultural mores not thus says the Lord! And at this point you might be thinking, “A little moderation in this article would be nice!” To which I concede but under protest.
My protest is this: we need more merit badges! We need a Christian merit badge for those who turn away wrath with a gentle answer (Proverbs 15:1). An elite badge for those who rejoice in the Lord always (Philippians 4:4). And a crown of life for those who stay implacable in the face of meritless, heartless, cruelty in the name of the Lord! We need to rise up and call blessed those among us who practice moderation in temperament and lifestyle. We need to regale those who lead the way in counting their blessings and being good stewards of all that God has given us! -DAN
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