Thursday, August 21, 2008

I Love To Tell The Story

A little bird (a.k.a. Dick Maynard… scientific name –taxmanicus cackler) told me how well the Sunday night presentations of Chris Brewer and Evan Beecher went. He explained how different but individually rich was each retelling of the ancient chronicles. A smile spread across my face as I responded, “That’s what I had hoped for when I first conceived of this program.” It was my hope that each participant would not only recount the text but as they gave it life once again in the retelling they would bring themselves and their insights into the story. Scripture is NOT a dusty lifeless history textbook nor is it indecipherable code or weighty theology relegated to squinty-eyed scholars who stroke their beards and moan, “Well, this is a variegated text with multi-layers of historical aggregate nuance.” They are the words of LIFE (Philippians 2:16)! To tell the stories of God’s Word two things I believe need to be in place: 1) That one truly loves to tell the story… i.e. these stories are beloved because they are our heritage, they read us as much as we read them (Hebrews 4:12); and 2) Because these stories have become a part of our nature… i.e. we sometime Peter out and sink in the waves of trouble and on better days we dream like Joseph and climb past our small thinking to sit with Zacchaeus so we can see Jesus more clearly! Yes, these are the stories we love to tell… we love to live!

My little bird also told me what a great job Mike and David had done with very challenging messages. No surprise there… Mike and David love to tell the story! Tonight Mike will tell his favorite Jesus stories. I don’t expect him to dress up like Jesus with sandals, robe and a wig but I do expect to see Jesus. In Mike’s eyes. In Mike’s heart. In Mike’s telling the story with passion for one who sits with him in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 2:6). I expect to hear insights that tell me about Mike, myself and most importantly about the one who draws us together… our Savior. Mike loves to tell the story and I love to listen and be challenged once again to be more like Jesus!

Now here’s a Danism… “I told you all that to tell you this…” What do you like to tell? Pray that it be not gossip, nor lies, nor “I told you so,” or “book, chapter and verse you!” May it always and forever be GOOD NEWS of the grace that redeemed such sinners as you and I and longs for a world to know that in Jesus is life, truth and the way home! O, I love to tell the story of Jesus and His love! -DAN

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