Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Knee Kissing

I don’t know why Lilly kissed my knees but she patted them and then gently kissed each knee. Maybe she thought that she had hurt me when we were playing tug of war? Possibly she had never seen Pappy’s bare knees (I was wearing shorts) and felt sorry for the old warriors? Could it be that by some cosmic anomaly a disturbance by unknown forces in the judicious flow of rational thinking caused Lilly to mistake my knees for my lips? Or what I chose to think… Lilly loves her Pappy and finds new ways to express her love for me! Anyhow it feels a little weird to have your knees kissed by a toddler… even if she is your granddaughter.

Now, I bring up this curious tale to explain that I think in the body of Christ we need more knee kissing! No, this is not some strange plea for a twist on the infamous and enigmatic “holy kiss”… but rather a call for: Now we ask you, brothers, to respect those who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work (1 Thessalonians 5:12, 13). I believe that we should get on our knees and be thankful for our elders who spend so much time, energy and spiritual angst on their knees praying on our behalf. Now, do I think these two dedicated souls are perfect or always wise enough to know what they should do or pray for… of course not! They are our knees for they neither lord it over us nor are they doormats we wipe our feet on. They are by God’s good grace those who labor among us to bring us again and again to our knees. They keep the church, the body and temple of God bowed in reverence and postured to give all things to our heavenly Father. Humility is their badge and stability their aim. These men sacrifice daily to serve the Lord and without them the body would suffer greatly. So, brothers and sisters I ask you and myself to offer due respect and hold these men in the highest regard in love because of their work!

Now back to knee kissing… my prayer is that like Lilly we will find unexpected ways to show our elders our love and regard for them. It may seem a little awkward or strange but give some love back. I wouldn’t suggest kissing their knees (but I wouldn’t dissuade it either) but I can think of countless ways to show appreciation for those to whom honor is due! Use your imagination! Maybe, just maybe you could start with a smile and a thank you and a holy kiss! -DAN

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