Have you ever used the expression, “If I were king, then…?” Of course you have, because we all would like things to be the way we think they ought to be! If you were king I suppose that church services would be more meaningful, more expressive, livelier, more theologically rich and more suited to your individual likes and needs. If you were king gas prices would be lower, poverty stricken from memory, injustice, violence, hatred and bigotry a mere fading memory and “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” would be the national anthem. If you were King everyone would live in comfort and live productive happy lives filled with opportunity to share faith, love and good wishes for all. Yes, if you were king things would be different! So, I say, “Let’s make you/me king!”
Now, this is where reality sets in and we confess that if we really were king things probably wouldn’t get better just more complicated by our want/need list. And we’ve lived long enough to know that what I want now is not necessarily what I will want in the near future. Maybe this king business is better left to more kingly types than ourselves? In fact, what we know is that there is one who is King of kings and Lord of lords who is the true resource for things to be better. If Jesus would be given His rightful place in the affairs of men and church it is guaranteed that all would be new and improved!
Hey, wait a minute there king buster… are you saying we shouldn’t try to make things better or voice our opinion when things are clearly amiss? Of course not! We should be light in darkness and support in weakness but that is best achieved by being servants of Christ. He IS King and the most delightful news is that we have been invited to be seated with Him in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 2:6). I’m not sure what all that means but I know it means God wants me to be next to Jesus and rub elbows with royalty. Then maybe, just maybe you and I will make a Kingly difference in serving others! -DAN