Wednesday, May 14, 2008

One In A Million

What planet did Superman originate from? Why Krypton of course you placate my inquiry, while rolling your eyes. Yes, but which came first: the element (an inert gas that exist as one part in a million in our atmosphere) or the planet that existed in the imaginations of Jerry Seigel and Joe Shuster, the creators of the Superman Comic? Answer: Who cares? As that may be… I still love that from imagination can come new reality. That is, most people know krypton not as an element but as the planet that Superman came from! A one in a million particle has been displaced by a comic book hero’s home. People are more aware of the comics than they are of number 36 on the atomic chart of the elements.

However, what I find more interesting is that the word krypton comes from a Greek word that means “hidden.” A crypt is where a deceased body is hidden, i.e., kept from sight. Cryptology, cryptogram, cryptic and cryptonym are all about what is hidden or mysterious. This is more than Superman coming from a mysterious planet… this is about the witness of mystery to the presence of God eternal. The mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the saints. To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:26,27).

Where kryptonite makes Superman weak our cryptic source empowers us to glory! Christ living within and the Holy Spirit guiding the way is God’s eternal plan to provide redemption from our sins and also reveal a way, a truth and a life! The mystery of godliness is truly great… it is more than one in a million; it is the story of the one who left heaven to live and die for all so that He may rescue in true hero fashion those who would follow Him! It is a path He pioneered not with superman powers but sacrificial faithfulness. And He stands in advocacy this very day to all who will surrender their own selfish path and proudly wear His name… Yes, yes, for the millions is the eternal hope of Christ in you, the hope of glory! -DAN

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