Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Laminin Spaminin

I get them, you get them, all God’s children get them… email links to “you don’t want to miss this” or “really cute” and the ever popular “I don’t usually forward things but this one really hit home with me.” I recently got a link to a youtube clip with Louie Giglio, Christian inspirational speaker and founder of Choice Ministries, entitled, “Laminin.” Giglio recounts how a micro-biologist approached him after a concert and told him about laminin. No, no this is not some new dietary supplement or pyramid scheme product… it’s a glycoprotein that connects cells in our bodies. The scientific explanation is a swirl of buzz words and Sci-fi incantations –well, you be the judge…

Laminin, gamma 1 (formerly LAMB2), also known as LAMC1, is a human gene. Laminins, a family of extracellular matrix glycoproteins, are the major noncollagenous constituent of basement membranes. They have been implicated in a wide variety of biological processes including cell adhesion, differentiation, migration, signaling, neurite outgrowth and metastasis. Laminins are composed of 3 non identical chains: laminin alpha, beta and gamma (formerly A, B1, and B2, respectively) and they form a cruciform structure consisting of 3 short arms, each formed by a different chain, and a long arm composed of all 3 chains.

If you took the time to read the fine print you noticed that this cell linker is cruciform shaped which was the point of the youtube link. Giglio suggest that when we peek into the micro-biology and building blocks of life we find that we are held together by a cross shape glycoprotein matrix. He quickly jumps to Colossians 1:15-20 where Paul in discussing the supremacy of Christ says, “He is before all things, and in him all things hold together… making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.” This anthem hails that all things were created…visible and invisible… by Him and for Him! These crosses invisible to the naked eye remind us that Jesus holds all things together –He’s the molecular glue secured in a cross!

This is where the sound effect of majestic music is abruptly halted as it is overpowered by the scratching of the phonographic needle as it is pulled across the record. And I reluctantly say, “Hey, wait a minute!” (Reluctant because boy, does that laminin stuff preach). None-the-less, in the small print scientific explanation is also the information that much of the research on laminins has been in regards to its connection to metastasis… that is, its role in cancer and specifically colon cancer. This really is a cross to bear… and a reminder that Jesus does hold all things together but not by secret crosses but by unexpected love that redeemed us on an all too visible cross! -DAN

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Thanks For The Memories

As a youth I remember being captivated by the Bob Hope specials where along with a group of celebrities he would travel to our troops and put on a variety show. It was more than the exuberant response of lonely troops enamored by pretty girls or biting remarks about commanding officers… it was for them a reminder of home and for a moment they were transported out of the chaos and peril of war. Bob Hope would close by singing his signature song, “Thanks for the Memories.” This coming Monday many graves will be decorated in honor of the memory of those who sacrificed greatly for our country. In many towns veterans will march down Main Streets Proudly wearing medals of Honor and being cheered by grateful citizens. Great sacrifice demands nothing less than great honor. Originally, Memorial Day was called Decoration Day because they decorated the graves of Civil War casualties. Today for all too many it’s just another federal holiday facilitating a long weekend. May God grant us all hearts of remembrance that not only honors those who sacrificed their lives for our safety and freedom but honor those who now stand in harms way for our country!

May we also as we gather around the Lord’s Table this Sunday recall to heart and mind the great sacrifice that secured our salvation and the life that modeled the faithful path to our God. Jesus truly paid it all… thanks for the memories that bring us each time we gather in His name back to the cross. For in its shadow we not only stand redeemed but are humbly bowed in grateful service ever indebted to His love. May that memory span from manger to Calvary. May we recall the awe struck disciples gazing into the empty sky that once was filled with the risen Savior as they heard the angelic proclamation, “Why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven (Acts 1:11).” Now, that’s a memory to be thankful for!

Something else that I remember about those Bob Hope days… those starlets and Miss America girls were Ooh-la-la pretty! But what made their beauty was not so much their skimpy costumes or even their beauty contestant looks –it was their willingness to travel so far under such difficult circumstances to say thank you to our troops! My memories are in black and white not just because many of the shows I watched were on a black and white TV but because it reflects simpler times when honor was in uniform and country. I’m thankful for the memories and I’m thankful that God reigns over all and through Jesus will lead us (the troops) home. -DAN

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

One In A Million

What planet did Superman originate from? Why Krypton of course you placate my inquiry, while rolling your eyes. Yes, but which came first: the element (an inert gas that exist as one part in a million in our atmosphere) or the planet that existed in the imaginations of Jerry Seigel and Joe Shuster, the creators of the Superman Comic? Answer: Who cares? As that may be… I still love that from imagination can come new reality. That is, most people know krypton not as an element but as the planet that Superman came from! A one in a million particle has been displaced by a comic book hero’s home. People are more aware of the comics than they are of number 36 on the atomic chart of the elements.

However, what I find more interesting is that the word krypton comes from a Greek word that means “hidden.” A crypt is where a deceased body is hidden, i.e., kept from sight. Cryptology, cryptogram, cryptic and cryptonym are all about what is hidden or mysterious. This is more than Superman coming from a mysterious planet… this is about the witness of mystery to the presence of God eternal. The mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the saints. To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:26,27).

Where kryptonite makes Superman weak our cryptic source empowers us to glory! Christ living within and the Holy Spirit guiding the way is God’s eternal plan to provide redemption from our sins and also reveal a way, a truth and a life! The mystery of godliness is truly great… it is more than one in a million; it is the story of the one who left heaven to live and die for all so that He may rescue in true hero fashion those who would follow Him! It is a path He pioneered not with superman powers but sacrificial faithfulness. And He stands in advocacy this very day to all who will surrender their own selfish path and proudly wear His name… Yes, yes, for the millions is the eternal hope of Christ in you, the hope of glory! -DAN

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Calling Mom

In a recent Comcast commercial we are exposed to an array of international moms receiving phone calls from their grown children. Mom receives a call, says grown child’s name and then passes out flat on the floor with the phone still pressed to her ear. Surprise mom with a call this Mother’s Day is the voice over. Every time I see the commercial it tugs at my heart and I softly moan, I sure wish that I could and then I whisper a little prayer of thanks for heaven holding my mom secure in its arms of love and joy until we are reunited! Like many of you who have moms who have gone on… I miss my mom.

Now, I’m all about the enthralling expectation of heaven’s pearly gates open wide to usher in even the likes of me into eternal bliss… but I’m worried about how mom is going to greet me! Let me explain to those of you who don’t know about my musical graveside gaffe. When mom passed away at my sister’s in the Los Angeles area we had a funeral service there but brought her body up to Modesto to be buried beside my father. Consequently it was just my siblings and a few close friends that gathered at her graveside. We had nothing planned… just to be together and to say goodbye to the greatest mom that ever filled a frayed housecoat while spending mornings reading her bible. My oldest sister looked at me with that you’re the clergy amongst us look and said, “We should sing something.” Now, I don’t know if you have ever had brain lock before where you’re not even sure what your own name is but for the life of me I couldn’t remember one church song (Yes, not even Amazing Grace)! The only song that I could think of because my daughter had given me an Oscar Meyer Wiener mobile for Christmas was “I wish I was an Oscar Meyer Wiener” song. So, we sang a rousing heartfelt, tear filled, wishing we were wieners song before tossing yellow roses into mom’s grave. Boy am I going to get it when I get to heaven!

With that said… I still wish that I could call my mom on mother’s day! So, instead I’ll say a silent prayer of thanksgiving for being blessed with such a loving spiritual mentor and gentle spirit who filled my life with the love of God. Children rise up and call mom blessed (Proverbs 31:28)!