Thursday, January 3, 2008

Thank God It's Venerdi

In June of last year Italian courts in Genoa ruled that Mara and Roberto Germano could not name their son Venerdi. It was deemed that said name would fall under the statute that forbids naming children “ridiculous or shameful” names. The court subsequently ordered that the child be named Gregorio after the saint on whose day he was born. You would think that the Germano family had named their child, “Corn Nose” or “Zit Catcher,” however; Venerdi is simply Italian for “Friday.” The couple liked the name and wanted to name their son something original. The courts insisted that the connection to Daniel Defoe’s “Robinson Crusoe,” savage servant, Friday, would bring shame and ridicule upon the child.

I wonder what the Italian courts think of some of our celebrities’ names for their children? Here’s a short list: Apple, Pilot Inspektor, Moxie CrimeFighter, Audio Science, Banjo, Fifi Trixibell, Jermajesty, Kyd, Lark Song, Sage Moonblood… and let us not forget Frank Zappa’s children: Moon Unit and Dweezil. Now those are some names that if I may be so bold to say, are ridiculous! Yes, yes… I know that the intent was to give them something unique in hopes that they would put their unique stamp on the world and hey, I was raised by Pearl Pauline and Claude Cephas. However, there seems to be a point of sanity between Venerdi and Fifi Trixibell. A name not only identifies it holds power, passion and promise.

The apostle Peter insists that, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved (Acts 4:12).” However, Jesus, though a common name, is now forever blessed and full of power, passion and promise. Yet our hearts also echo the words of the prophets… Immanuel, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace… the Christ! And maybe… just maybe, Venerdi –for he gave His life for us on a cross that day. Thank God for that Venerdi that secured our salvation as His precious blood flowed from his side to wash over all who would believe in that night of ebon pinion and redemption. -DAN

1 comment:

Coach T said...

uhhhh. . .

this wasn't a "hint" to us, was it? j/k :)