When in Oregon we more often than not worship with the Lincoln City church of Christ. They are a small but vibrant congregation that sometimes has as many visitors/tourist as they have members. The auditorium is small and more living room size than it is worship hall size. But that makes for great singing and an intimacy that promotes informal bliss and a conversational connection with God and man. You might say it is an upper room kind of atmosphere where someone just might fall asleep cradled in a windowsill. But don’t worry they wouldn’t fall far. This past Lord’s Day when we were visiting a small child in the back blurted out during the communion bread being passed, “What’s that?”
I heard some giggles and a faint “ssshhh” from the back but I had this overwhelming urge to want to answer this great question but suppressed it. But wouldn’t it have been great if we would have broken out of our structured formalities and pew sitting decorum to turn and say, “That’s a very good question for all of us to answer!” I mean… isn’t that why we gather around the table? Isn’t the meaning of the emblems and the mystery of communion with the divine and one another what sets the tone for worship and hails the standard for our gathering? What could be more to the point… more historically connected… more Christ spirited… than for a child to ask a question about why we do what we do (Eat unleavened bread…tell your son, ’I do this because of what the Lord did for me…’ Exodus 13:7,8).
This article made me tear up. I miss the closeness that we felt with our family in Oregon, but that's not the only reason. Payden has started to notice that we pass the trays and watches with a wide-eyed intrest. Bryan has started to lean over and whisper in his ear about how much Jesus loves him in hopes he will someday make that connection... it reminds me so much of your whispers in my ear during those precious times in the pews.
How did 2 weeks go by w/o me knowing you had a blog?!?!?!?
Great post, btw! My nephew asked me that same question when we took him to the church we used to attend in Louisiana. I should have stopped and tried to explain it better to him, but the conversation ended up being pretty comical. . . http://crutcherfam.blogspot.com/2006/12/t-day-weekend-stories-cute-funny.html
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