Some say that 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 defines it and others in protest say its depth and height defies explanation but everyone lays claim to their hold on love. Each of us testifies to its importance and witness to its divine nature best summed up by the apostle of love, John, when he surmised, “God is love (1 John 4:8).” Love is the only force in the universe that triumphs over all. Love conquers injustice and callous apathy. Love dissipates tyrannical brutality and selfish exploitations. Love is the music that sooths the savage breast and orchestrates the soundtrack of life. Love is as essential to life as is water, light and air. That is why when Scripture says of Jesus, “the one you love (John 11:3)” –you take notice. O, we know that Jesus loves us because the Bible tells us so (so at least we sing) but seldom in Scripture do we hear the words with such specificity. Mary and Martha wanted Jesus to know that their brother Lazarus was sick and they subtlety reminded him that he is the one you love. Well, maybe not so subtle since they wanted Jesus to rush to Lazarus’ side.
In the selfless and altruistic world of the Messiah is there room for such favoritism? Can Jesus love encompass partiality or at least deeper love for some whom he esteems? Yes, yes, yes, yes… I like it! Jesus intimacy with those close to him doesn’t diminish his love for anyone else but rather deepens his love for us all. I know the value of close personal friends who love you without barter or demand but simply enjoy your company. I cherish the bond that is unthreatened by honesty and buoyed by mutual concern. True love… the one you love, will tell you if you have spinach in your teeth or your zipper is down (or I guess in the case of Lazarus, Jesus may have pointed out Lazarus’ “you’ve-been-in-the-grave-four-days” body odor and you got a little burial cloth stuck to your tunic). Such love benefits us all… so, I’m glad that Jesus had those he loved like no others. I’m enriched by Jesus passion for friendship and his loyalty of love. Once again the Savior sets the standard for behavior and the path of Sonship.
So, who are the ones you love? This is not a request for a list of those you’d take a bullet for or even those of intimate connection but rather who does your heart connect to. I think the answer tells us much about ourselves and what direction is evident in our lives. Yes, love is the most powerful force in the universe… May God bless you and those with whom you share its joys! -DAN
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