Monday, April 26, 2010

Hell Dot Com

On my way to work displayed in placards on an overpass was the message, “” The word “Hell” was in red letters. I could hardly wait till I got to work to see who in the world was behind this red letter edict. The web wove an interesting answer to my question. It appears that this freeway forecast was an advertisement for the books of one Mary K. Baxter an ordained pastor in the Pentecostal movement. It seems that Ms. Baxter in the mid seventies was visited by Jesus and given a guided tour of hell for thirty nights followed by a glimpse of heaven for ten more nights. Her two books give an account of her Dante’s Divine Comedy experience as she and Jesus work their way through the human shaped portals of hell located in the core of the earth. I’ll let you youtube an interview with Ms. Baxter and you can judge the veracity of her witness and cast you vote whether delusional or divinely inspired. What I would like to discuss is not the reality of heaven and hell but the upside down approach of asserting Jesus as savior for the hell bound (i.e. a red letter emphasis).

Do I think preaching ought to have a little “hell” raising? Yes, the reality of eternal punishment is a fear that ought to hold its place in the heart of all believers. However, I think it might be best served in the ratio that Jesus employed. Take up a concordance and see how many times Jesus speaks of heaven as opposed to speaking of hell. Talk of heaven just naturally dominates the conversation when hearts are turned toward God and the promises of eternal life. Would I like to see a freeway placard proclaiming, “Want to know how to make your way home to God in heaven?”… Why, yes!

But aren’t you afraid some will be saying, “Lord, Lord (Matthew 7:21-23).” If we don’t put the fear of God in people they will cheapen grace and have false expectations! If our destination was dependent on making sure we didn’t do anything to deserve hell I might agree. However, entrance into heaven’s gates is not based on who you are but who you have become in Christ! It’s about living heavenly lives in a world marred by sin. It’s about surrendering to Jesus Lordship and being sealed by the Spirit until that promised day. It’s about Jesus writing your name in the Lamb’s book of life! It seems to me that Ms. Baxter forgot an important part of Jesus story of the rich man and Lazarus. Abraham tells the rich man that his five brothers don’t need a witness from beyond because “If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead (Luke 16:31).” I’m with Ada Powell… “Sing to me of heaven, let me fondly dream…” DAN

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