Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Tia excitedly informed Taina, “Mommy, look there’s a lighthouse out there… and a doghouse next to it!” What our granddaughter construed as a dog house was the old lighthouse keeper’s quarters next to the Yaquina Head lighthouse, which centers the view from our Oregon house. At a distance it does look like it’s about the size of a doghouse. Not that I’ve ever been in the doghouse (i.e. not recently) but we all laughed at her insight to maritime housing. I’m sure at least one Oops-I-Didn’t-Mean-That-Honey lighthouse keeper, spent some time in that doghouse. It probably won’t surprise you that we now call it the doghouse. Anyhow, it got me thinking about how a doghouse compliments a lighthouse. There seems to me to be an important symbiotic relationship between that which sends the light and that which stands guard ready to warn (send the bark) if a intruder comes near. It is two sides of the warning coin of life. One side is a warning light in the storm to signal us not to go shipwreck on the rocky shores of sin and sorrow . The other is a faithful companion that signals when the enemy draws near. Together they keep us safe in the arms of Jesus and anchored by the hope we have in His grace, love and promise.

Now, some of you might think that I have finally stretched the metaphor yarn so much that it has snapped and hit me in the eye, aye matey! And I won’t protest but before you have me walk the plank let me remove it so we can see clearly the small truth that lies here. That is, my point is very simple… being a Christian is risky business. It requires holiness, that is, a concerted personal effort to stay off the rocky shores of sin. And it requires we not under estimate the power of the enemy, Satan, and listen carefully to the howling of our conscience and the lead of the Spirit. The sobering reality of life is that the enemy attacks from without and from within! We need both lighthouse and doghouse to keep us safe!
So, every time we are able to visit the Oregon house and enjoy our view of the Yaquina Head lighthouse (and doghouse)… I’ll here Tia’s voice reminding me to be careful Pappy, and keep your eyes open for the light and your ears alert to the calls of warning! Thanks Tia for seeing things my tired old eyes had missed! -DAN

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