Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Born In A Treehouse

If I haven’t mentioned it lately let me be clear in stating that all my grandchildren (including Miles Stephen Ford, number 12, who arrives February) are geniuses! Now, I don’t mean that in the typical bragging grandfatherly way… they ARE bonnie lads and lasses of copious cleverness and insatiable acumen that would leave Solomon scratching his head. Let me illustrate with a recent snippet from a facebook entry by Leah. “Payden says to Mary (I assume a playmate), ‘My sister was born in the city. I was born in Oregon, in a treehouse.’” O, did I mention that my estimation of genius is the ability to bring creative insights to the mundane and common everydayness of life? Payden decided to embellish and bring hints of legend into his humble Oregonian birthday arrival. I was there and though shooed out of the room as the time drew nigh I’m pretty sure that it was a hospital room and not a treehouse… but man O man would it have been cool if it was! And hey, it’s not like they don’t have a lot trees in Oregon –now is it?

Some wonder as they read through the Bible if some of the stories have not been embellished a little here and a little there. Others would be quick to say if the Bible says it then it happened just that way for all Scripture is God-breathed (2 Timothy 3:16). And then others might interject that we have four gospels because there is more than one way to view or tell the story. And then again there a cynics that out right reject the stories because of seeming contradictions in the Bible. And if you want to add another layer to the pie you have biblical scholars who maintain that Scripture is a conglomerate of editors, redactors and scribal mishaps that have given local color and cultural shaping to the text. And therefore, you might have a couple births in a treehouse that didn’t actually happen that way!

Well, just as I think my grandkids are genius so too I think Scripture is God-breathed and rings with glorious clarity that it is Holy Spirit moved and God orchestrated genius. And so I believe that if the story has been retold with a treehouse view that God intended it to be so. The Bible is not a static lifeless newspaper account of events that chronicle history. It is the living active sharper than a two-edged sword telling of faith in action that penetrates our imaginations to draw us closer to our Creator and Sustainer! It’s insight into possibility and ultimate probability of a God shaped world because after all there are a lot trees in Oregon! -DAN

Monday, September 20, 2010


I don’t consider myself particularly nosey or by any means a closet eavesdropper but I must confess that from time to time I zoom in on a conversation I haven’t been invited to share. Recently, I overheard one individual say to another, “So, have you been ballooning lately?” For some reason (could it be my own girth?), I took offense in behalf of my anonymous friend and silently implored him to retort, “Why no, Ms. Skinny… have you been deflating?” You’ve probably have guessed by now that as I listened further into the conversation I discovered that one friend was curious about another’s high flying hobby of hot air ballooning. As I laughed at my misunderstanding and measured my record breaking jumping to a conclusion, I seriously thought about the challenge this brought to my faith.

You see, the greatest eavesdropping that we ever engage in is reading the New Testament letters. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not suggesting that Paul, Peter, James, John and whoever wrote Hebrews were engaged in obtuse dialogue or insider conversations that were so personalized that others would be unable to know fully what they were talking about. The letters are certainly full of purposed instruction fully intended to teach the body of Christ as a whole, as well as theological discussion designed to clarify, instruct and elucidate the Christian faith. However, there are times it would be nice to know what exactly was the context of the discussion and the motivation to publically air the issue. Do I think scholarship has done well in their educated guesses about enigmatic texts… yes, but with this qualification: We must always confess that we’re eavesdropping and so we have to be careful to what height we take our balloon.

Now, with that said, it seems to me that studying to show ourselves approved requires first for us to get on our knees and ask for wisdom from above and spiritual discernment void of misunderstanding. That implies to me that Bible study is not a pool party (you know where we all pool our ignorance and spout our opinions) but rather a challenge to be patient to hear all the conversation we can, keeping in mind who is saying what and where they saying it and to whom they are saying it to and then prayerfully measuring the meaning of it the light of eternity. David Wilcox, one of my favorite musicians has a song entitled, “Hold it Up to the Light.” It’s a song about trusting decisions by holding it up to the light of God, truth and faith. So it is with God’s Word… we “Reflect on what I am saying, for the Lord will give you insight into all this (2 Timothy 2:7).” So… hold it up to the Light and happy ballooning! -DAN

Monday, September 13, 2010

No To No

I personally think that irony is one of life’s greatest teachers. One has to scratch their head when you consider that we park on our driveways and drive on our parkways. And then there’s the Oxymorons who live next door who eat jumbo shrimp and just ordered clean dirt for their garden. Jesus seems to enjoy the merits of paradox in the upside down theology of the first will be last and the last will be first. What all this ordered chaos has in common is that it reminds us that we live in a conflicted world. Jesus is right that the one who thinks only of himself, will be the last person you want to be around while the person who has a servant’s heart and puts others first will be the first person you want around. That is, in this fallen world motivated by greed, self-centered pleasures and pride it seems dog eat dog is the rule of the day. So, God had to stand tall on a cross to reorient the world to forgiveness, love and sacrifice. Rebellious mankind ironically killed it’s greatest citizen thinking it would stop his mission but unwittingly secured their only hope of salvation. Death brought life and open the door to eternity. And maybe just as importantly opened the door to see how upside down this world has become.

Now, here’s the sacred dilemma in its day to day reality. I swat my grandchild on the backside after she hits me, sternly saying, "We don’t hit!" And I muster all my Pappy Pomposity to affirm, "We don’t say, ‘No!’" In this swirl of irony I pray, "Lord, help me let my yes be yes and my no be no!" That is, in this conflicted world where I hit to teach that we don’t hit and I say no to no, let there be some wisdom from above that makes sense out of the nonsense.

And here’s the voice of God that I think whispers to me in a still small voice… Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight (Proverbs 3:5,6). That is, our paradoxical lives will only find wisdom by trusting God enough to supply insight to a balanced life that knows how to stand firm on both sides when it’s yes and when it’s no. I have no doubt that God continues to teach us through our grandchildren that we live in a ironic and chaotic world whose only hope is God! -DAN

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Book Burning 101

Senior Pastor Dr. Terry Jones of Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida has declared September 11, 2010 as a date to burn copies of the Quran. This protest rides on the back of the recent debate over whether a mosque should be permitted to be built near the hallowed site of ground zero where so many lost their lives to Muslim terrorist. Dr. Jones is the author of a book entitled, "Islam is of the Devil." Though warned that his protest might endanger military and civilian personnel in Afghanistan Jones is adamant that we must fight the surging effects of Islam here and abroad. So… let’s burn their holy book asserting our right to demonstrate our rejection of their maniacal Muslim meddling mission to dominate the world. And as that was too much alliteration the very thought that burning books could demonstrate the Spirit of Christ is as abominable as it is immature. And the alert student in the back row raises his hand and defiantly blurts out, "What about Acts 19:19 when they burned their sorcery books publicly?" I’m glad you brought that up…

The public burning of expensive sorcery scrolls by their owners was an act of contrition evoked by the realization that the name of Jesus was not only powerful but Jesus was Lord. Burning books that you don’t agree with as protest does little to change the hearts of those who do believe. In fact, it does the opposite and incites them to reject your beliefs and entrench themselves in their own. If the Spirit of Christ is to impact the world around us it will do it not by the light of protest fires but by the light of truth that burns brightly in the heart of disciples who value and love all mankind. The Quran will only loose its effectiveness when it pales in the light of Holy Scripture demonstrated in the loving hearts and vibrant faith of the redeemed. Soldiers of Christ are not armed with torches but rather "the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God (Ephesians 6:17)." The radical and awesome army of God is victorious by faith not playground retaliation tactics or barbed rhetoric designed to incite religious or political battles. If you want to lock and load like Jesus then pray for your enemies!

Here is what this all means to me –or in other words, this is what is burning in my heart: Standing up for my faith means that the only fire I’m concerned with is hearts set on fire by the Spirit of God. And I hope and pray that they all come to a knowledge of Jesus as Lord and embrace Him alone in salvation. We don’t need the Crusades again (or ever) what we need is revival sparked by the movement of the Spirit’s call to salvation. -DAN