Last Sunday I challenged you to look up the word “panoply” if you were unclear of its definition. I suggested that if we are to sing to one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs it works best if we know the vocabulary we are using. I also suggested that the dictionary is a delightful read even though the narrative is a little thin on plot. Charles Wesley’s stirring lyrics in “Soldier of Christ, Arise” recommends that if we are “to arm (ourselves) for the fight” we’ll need the panoply of God. This song was originally entitled, “The Full Armor of God.” It also included 19 more stanzas in addition to the 5 we have in our hymnals (Powerpoint slides). My favorite of the edited out portion is the concluding stanzas in Wesley's original song. He rallies the troops in the spirit of historic battle cries with the emotive lyrics:
From strength to strength go on, wrestle and fight and pray,
Tread all the powers of darkness down and win the well fought day.
Still let the Spirit cry in all His soldiers, “Come!”
Till Christ the Lord descends from high and takes the conquerors home.
You see God’s panoply is as Webster defines it, “2. Anything protecting completely or forming a magnificent covering.” As soldiers of Christ we are armed not with our wits or military precision but rather with truth, righteousness, gospel, faith, salvation and the most powerful weapon known to man… the Word of God. These are property of the divine (i.e. the armor of God) and form a magnificent covering when we are alert and keep “on praying on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.” Our battle is not with flesh and blood but Satan and his substantial resources. We are in the battle of our life. We may be only foot soldiers but it’s not about rank but rather assurance that we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us (Romans 8:37).
Every generation needs the panoply of God. No matter when you were born or where you reside the battle is on. It may be as fierce as death knocking on the door or as personal as internal struggles of a relentless sin. You may be hoary headed or wet behind the ears. You may be a seasoned veteran or a recent recruit. But everyone and I mean everyone needs the armor of God, the panoply of His magnificent covering to make it through everyday! -DAN