Tuesday, December 23, 2008

So, What's New?

More and more each year we receive Christmas cards that include a letter that chronicles the events, changes and heroics of the past year. It seems to be one parting shot at a year gone by and well wishes for the new. Most of these epistles are informative and often entertaining and truth be known the McQuiddy’s have penned a few familial yarns themselves. This exercise in reflection is also a written form of the age approved conversation that begins with, “So, what’s new?” In one sense the New Testament epistles are primarily one party informing the other about what’s new.

As we enter the New Year the prospect of what will be new is both exciting and a challenge as well. Each year brings the renewed hope that this one will top all the others and that God will bless each of us with opportunities for service and the maturing of our faith. O, we all know that lingering in the shadows is the imminent reality that with all of the excitement of new adventures there rests the reality that death, illness and ill fortune will come our way. Nothing will stop that reality but never-the-less nothing will diminish the assurance of our faith and love in a God who works for the good of those who love Him. Faith will be tested, love will need to conquer and hope will have to anchor not only our souls but our aim to do mighty things in the name of our Lord.

So, what’s new? I’m praying for fresh eyes to see how I may serve my family, my community, my church and most of all, my Lord. My prayer is that we all find newness in our worship, our service and our play. That God grants us a new spirit of joy in faithful living and reverence for His guidance in all things. I long for us to know with unwavering assurance that we are the body of Christ and ambassadors of His love and presence in this world! So, what’s new? Solomon says, “Nothing under the sun.” But I say, “Nothing original maybe but every opportunity to meet each new day with a new and renewed spirit of passion and compassion for ministry. So, watch out old her comes the new! -DAN

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Mighty Three

Christmas is exactly that… Christ mass, the worship of Christ –the celebration of the promised one coming into the world to give light to all men (John 1:9). A long the way the tarnish of myth and commercialism have diminished the light with a host of Christmas characters from Santa to talking snowmen and even a Christmas version of Bigfoot that’s just abominable! Yet, still glowing from this menagerie of misfits who deck the halls of history is the true spirit of Christmas that is not only about the joy of giving but the need for a hero! “…you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins (Matthew 1:21).” The nativity scene is as much about the birth of a champion as it about the unexpected arrival of a messiah.

God was in the hero business before creation. Many He has called were unexpected heroes like the little shepherd boy David or the mama’s boy Jacob yet, all had in common a reliance on God for their strength. Even the great Samson needed God to fill him with strength. However, there are times that God used the few, the proud… the first SWAT (Spiritual Warriors of Ancient Times) team to carry out His will. One special force unit was called “the Three (2 Samuel 23:19).” These were devoted soldiers for David who once risked their lives just to get David a drink from a well behind enemy lines in Bethlehem. Each had saved the day in heroic fashion and donned the annals of history with heroic tales of strength and courage that inspired one and all. The three were Joe (that’s short for Josheb-Basshebeth), Eleazar and Shammah. They were more than a superhero trio they were men of unrelenting faith that knew the battle belong to the Lord! Like Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah (that’s Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego for those you who like Babylonian names) their confident proclamation was, “the God we serve is able to save us… (Daniel 3:17).” Their strength was not about 24 hour fitness memberships but faith in the God who delivers!

This week when many will turn their hearts toward that Bethlehem delivery may we sing with the angel choir once again, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests (Luke 2:14)!” May we all long to be heroes for our God and find our strength in the one true hero of life, Christ Jesus our Lord! Thank God for that starry night so long ago that heralded shepherds, angels, magi and a world in need of a Savior! -DAN

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My Boy

The picture is of our granddaughter Tia in the hallway of the Hart Senate Office building on Capitol Hill beaming with a smile because she’s in front of office 713. The sign still reads, “Senator Barak Obama, Illinois.” Tia calls him “My Boy.” Tia and family with the help of a friend who works at the White House were able to see the Senator’s old office and his new office (unfortunately there are no pictures allowed in the Oval Office). The memory may fade for this four year old but the picture will be a family treasure. History will tell whether Tia wants to continue to claim President Elect Obama as “My Boy.” By the way for those of you who don’t know Tia… she’s a young African-American woman who’s wiser than her years and supplies a lot of snap to her flava and ‘tude to her roll (translation – precocious with a capital “P”). So, now you know how to enunciate “My Boy.”

Tia’s picture in front of 713 is a treasure not only because of its historical significance but because it reminds us of the power of belonging. My prayer for Tia will always be that Jesus will be her boy! That is, as her faith grows and matures that belonging to Jesus is the most important thing in her life. Scripture describes this love affair in various ways from the imagery of a bride to the paradox of being crucified with Christ so that it is no longer ourselves that live but Christ who lives within us. Faith connects us to the one who not only redeems us and intercedes for us but who loves us! Paul asserts, “For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for him who died for them and was raised again (2 Corinthians 5:14, 15).” Living for Jesus is more than lyrics or VBS banners… it’s the natural result of feeling connected to the one who connects us to heaven!

One of my favorite verses of Scripture is Ephesians 2:6 where Paul blows us away with the ethereal promise, “…God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus…” I don’t expect (though I may be wrong) that Tia will ever get to be seated with President Elect Barak Obama –but I’m hopeful that she will accept the invitation of God to be seated with Jesus… whom I pray will always be “Her Boy!” -DAN

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Prone To Wander

I love when Pam Sikorski (my favorite Lady of England) says, “Do you have all your bits and pieces?” It’s far more descriptive and quaint than the American “all your stuff” or “things.” I like to think that my life is full of bits and pieces… bits that I’ve borrowed, accrued or acquired and pieces that have fallen my way. One of my favorite bits of hymnody is Robert Robinson’s phrase, “tune my heart to sing Thy praise.” I think I’m drawn to this spiritual snippet because of Robinson’s vulnerable honesty that confesses in the last stanza of this great hymn (Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing), “Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, Prone to leave the God I love.” I don’t think that the Christian heart ever entertains spiritual mutiny or designs to betray its first love… however; we struggle with being wandering sheep who can be unwittingly lured away from the safety of the flock. We are like instruments that if not tuned daily with praise will slowly go out of tune until all that remains is a discordant sound unpleasant to both ear and soul. Praise can not be taken for granted! It tunes your day and combats the natural tendency to wander.

The challenge here is to cultivate mature worship in our lives. All of my children had to be watched closely when they were toddlers because they were fascinated with kitties. If a kitty wandered down the street they would follow in pursuit oblivious to their surroundings as they held their arms opened and called out, “kitty.” Likewise, we remain spiritual toddlers if we do not train ourselves to cultivate a life of praise. Worship is not just a church experience, that is, it only happens in a church setting on church time with church bits and pieces. Worship is recognition of God in the moment. We beat our tendency to wander when we take seriously Jesus promise to be with us and He truly becomes the same today, yesterday and forever! Then our vision becomes clear and we can see “streams of mercy, never ceasing, call for sounds of loudest praise!”

So worship God this week… on your way to the mall sing at the top of your lungs a song of praise… take a twilight stroll and pray every step of the way… look someone in the eye and wink, “You know I like Christmas because it begins with ‘Christ!’” And hey, if you find yourself following a kitty down an unfamiliar street –stop, drop and roll because you’re in danger. Then ask God to tune your heart to sing His praise! -DAN

P.S. If you read Mike Cope's blog then... yes, I was inspired (bit and pieced) by him.